the Luciferian-Masonic popes: Francis and Benedict

“. . for in the last days JESUS will send not a true pastor, but a DESTROYER.” The Prophecy of St. FRANCIS Of Assisi about the Last Pope

What’s Your Mission In This World?

2015, April 8   . . .   By: ncdm   . . .   updated: 2018 Dec 23

North Korea Leaders
North Korean leaders: Kim Il Sung

Leaders claim that becoming the ruler of a country is destiny set by God. That makes Emperor Nero, and Genghis Khan as “anointed” by God, or were they? That statement comes true for Abraham, Moses, and King David, but for almost the rest, that’s just a self-serving opinion obviously to give credence to their status. On one view, maybe God has allowed these leaders into their positions to test them, and their nations, whether they are for God or whatever – indeed, God has a thousand odd ways to test people. Will the ruler be drawn into corruption and greed, or be intoxicated by power and fame, and cement his name in history? Almost all of these leaders and men of stature are so enamored with their own importance, that they eventually desire to perpetuate their names and fame, to become immortal in the form of lasting monuments, that for as long as that statue stands, or that name is etched in stone, that man lives. But Jesus doesn’t like it, and simply has this to say:

“. . become passers-by. .”Gospel Of St. THOMAS – Verse #42

“. . everyone comes naked from their mother’s womb, and as everyone comes, so they depart. .” – Ecclesiastes 5:15

“. . during the few and meaningless days of life in this world, a person passes through like a shadow. Who can tell him what will happen under the sun after he is gone?. .” – Ecclesiastes 6:12

“. . for we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. . ; those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. . “ — 1 Timothy 6:7

Your mission in this world is not to become a Mozart or a Steve Jobs, a Billy Graham or a Michael Jordan. Your mission is not to be the President and have your statue built in the middle of the Central Park and your life gloriously told in history books. It is not to leave a lasting legacy for all humanity and the world to wonder. Your mission in this world is simply to escape from this world and be reunited with The FATHER in Heaven.

“. . if you do not abstain from the world, you will not find the kingdom. .” – Gospel of St. Thomas verse #27.

“. . don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God?. .” – James 4:4

immortal monuments

But how do you escape from this world? Your problem is: PRIDE. Though your sins have already been absorbed by Jesus, your salvation is not yet complete as long as your Pride is there. It is your prison: you have to destroy it to escape. Besides, pride doesn’t exist in heaven, so you won’t have a place in there.

Pride is in your DNA, the reason why you continue to sin. Only you can get rid of it, no one else can, not even GOD because He respects you. God has gifted you with the FREE WILL, allowing you all the prerogatives in the conduct of your own life. You want to give your lunch to that beggar, go ahead; or you want to smash that beggar’s head to the wall, go ahead. God has let you all the control of your life, all the decision to your Pride, because He respects you, and He loves you.

“. . from Adam to John the Baptist, among those born of women there is no one who surpasses John the Baptist, but whoever among you becomes little will know the kingdom, and will surpass John. . .” – Gospel of St. Thomas verse #46.

Defeating your pride is your ‘share’ to your own salvation, the other half of what Jesus has already done for you. Instead of craving for the finest things in the world, you have to humble yourself. You must reduce yourself to nothing. As nothing, you become “not a camel or a rich man, enabling you to pass easily thru the eye of the needle”. – Mark 10:27

So Jesus mentioned John the Baptist as the benchmark. Who is John, and how can you be like him, or even approximate him?

“. . John is the voice calling in the wilderness: REPENT, REPENT, REPENT!!!
. . his clothes were made of camel’s hair, and his food was locusts and wild honey. .”
– Matthew 3:4.

John the Baptist is “LITTLE”, it follows you must also be little. Your foremost mission is to humble yourself and not to crave for the best things in this world. Not like today’s pastors who drive glitzy cars and wear signature clothes while also calling, “Repent, repent, in Jesus name, blah, blah, blah . . “. And after that, they bring home tons of money. John the Baptist call these preachers who pocket the flock’s money as “the brood of vipers”, or simply “children of snakes” – Matthew 3:7 – . They are so many around us now. Don’t believe these vipers when they say God will bring you peace and prosperity and everything nice that you desire. That is absolutely not your mission in this world.

false prophet
false prophet preaching

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