“.. and God sent the prophet Jonas to warn the city of Nineveh that it was about to be destroyed because of the grave sins of its people. The King and people repented however, and putting on sackcloth and sitting on ashes, they and all their animals fasted and did penance. They appeased the wrath of God and He withheld the destruction of the city.” – Jonas 3:1.
“Put on ashes!!!”
2020-July-23 . . . By: ncdm
In 2019-October-6, Sister Agnes Sasagawa, the visionary of the Marian Apparition in Akita, Japan in 1973, after a long years of silence, received another message from God: “Put on ashes and pray for a Repentant Rosary every day. You must become like a child and make sacrifice every day.” And she was told to tell this to everyone. Unknown to her at almost the same moment in time a “demonic abomination of desolation” was taking place right there at the heart of the Vatican, led by no other than Pope Bergoglio. – NEW AKITA MESSAGE: “We must ‘PUT ON ASHES’.” – 2019-Nov-3 [mysticpost.com].

While the 1.2 billion Catholics of the world were asleep or unaware, Bergoglio and his Cardinals and Bishops in the Vatican were parading in veneration of the pagan-god of South America, the Pachamama – the goddess of the Earth, which worship involves human sacrifice. Bergoglio and his cohorts used the very resources of the Catholic Church to destroy the Church itself, to destroy Jesus Christ, and to destroy the entire Christian faith.

So, the Blessed Mother was quick to act, just like any mother when she sees her children unaware of the cliff behind them. She’s calling our attention: ” wake up, discern the many abominations around us, the CHASTISEMENT is near.” And adding her usual frustration: “before the cup was filling-up, now its overflowing.” Two days later, on October 8, the first Mass reading was taken from Jonas 3:1-10. And on November 7, a magnitude 4.4 quake jolted Rome. Quakes in Italy are less common than regions such as those in the so called Ring of Fire. Italy’s last tremor was in 2017.
So that was October last year. Fast-forward to today, now you’re seeing the prelude to Chastisement: wars, diseases, floods, locusts, earthquakes, anarchy, etc… So don’t wait for the frogs to appear at your doorstep. Repent and make reparations for your sins NOW while there’s still time.

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Amazonian Bishop Slams ‘Demonic Sacrilege’ At Vatican: Jules Gomes – 2019-Oct-25 [churchmilitant.com]. Bishop José Luis Azcona, Emeritus Bishop of Marajó in the Amazon region, is condemning the pagan rites surrounding the idol as “demonic sacrileges that produce scandal.” “In those rituals there is the devil, there is magic.
Earthquake in Rome after Amazon Synod – 2019-Nov-7 [express.co.uk].
Pachamama Idol Worship and Earthquakes – 2019-Nov-7 [complicitclergy.com]. Rome is rocked by a mighty 4.4 magnitude earthquake, just a few days after the Pachamama Synod.
The Pachamama Pope: Rod Dreher – 2019-Oct-25 [theamericanconservative.com].
Pachamama Male-Consort-Idol – 2019-Nov-16 [ariseletusbegoing.com].
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